My audio assignment is based on the rampaging press coverage of the highly anticipated wedding of Prince William of England and commoner, Kate Middleton.  The story offers a brief introduction to the wedding, the excitement leading up to the event itself, and a brief encapsulation of the groom-to-be’s parents’ nuptials, and how they relate to this more current event.  Reporting challenges weren’t really apparent, with the exception of the fact that the story will be completed before the actual event occurs, making the story is anticipatory, as opposed to covering the event itself.

I feel pretty good about the outcome.  I ran into some unexpected challenges in that most of my audio recording was completed in a relatively quiet office environment, which really provided some pretty good quality sound, but even minor variations in space and interviewee provided challenges to keeping the sound level and background consistent.

I learned a lot about Audacity and sound mxing (which I didn’t really enjoy; I’m definitely a word person, I think), but I found it interesting.  I also learned a lot about my phone, which is helpful.  If I had to do it over again, I might choose a different, more “newsy” story, or I might have preferred to be able to wrap in actual observations at the time of the event, or people’s comments and responses to the way it actually happened.

The UK’s Independent… runs some great images:

National Geographic’s the Daily News always has amazing photography, although lots of slide shows, too:

U.S. News & World Report online has beautiful photography as well:

I hate to say it’s news, but bad news photography can be easily highlighted by the online news magazine  Ugh!

More… on Nature

Posted: April 26, 2011 in Assignments

Woman with Pigeon

Nature on Nature

Posted: April 26, 2011 in Assignments
Day 1:  Something related to Nature

"Sunlight in the Woods," Elizabeth Sandvig Through Palm

It’s actually a really enjoyable task searching out new news photojournalist sites.  It’s interesting sometimes, to note, that there are compendium sites (as opposed to indivdiual sites), but still and all, it’s a cool exercise, and I get to see some really great work… So, this week’s Follow Fridays are as follows: Read the rest of this entry »

I’m not a regular listener to audio news.  I get most of my news from CNN or MSNBC (either online or as I’m dashing around the house in the evenings), so this was an interesting exercise for me.  I listened to a variety of news organizations online, and came up with three very different stories, one local, one regional, and one national that I found to be what I consider good examples: Read the rest of this entry »

Task for the day was to figure out five more digital journalists to follow on Twitter… after Wednesday’s class I was feeling a bit inspired by some of the photojournalists, but I also need a little bit of color commentary, too. :)

So, first up, Jim Dwyer (@jimdwyernyt).  He is a columnist for The New York Times and author of “Subway Lives: 24 Hours of the Life in the New York Subways.”  Very cool.

Next is Nick Kristoff (@NickKristof).  He’s another well-known columnist for The New York Times  and two-time Pulitzer Prize Winner… ‘enuf said.

Read the rest of this entry »

After completing the Multimedia storytelling tutorial, I was charged with the task of evaluating individual multimedia news stories and highlighting the good and the bad.  Below are my lists:

The Good:

The New York Times – Damage from Japanese Earthquake – while this story did not offer lots of video and audio (we’ve seen a lot of that), it did offer some very interactive tools to learning more about the damage, including interactive maps highlighting epicenters, damage, deaths, and radiation levels.  Of course, they could have dumped additional video footage and sound in here, too, but there’s already SO MUCH information, I’m sure they didn’t feel the need.  Read the rest of this entry »

4/11/2011 Homework

Posted: April 11, 2011 in Assignments, Journalism, Resource

“Streets of Despair” resonated with me because I find that type of journalism fascinating, though fraught with danger of judgment.  We are all uncomfortable with the “seemier” side of our lives, and yet the fact that it exists isn’t changed by that discomfort.  In fact, in many ways, the only way that we CAN address it is by learning enough to understand the most effective and efficient ways to guide change.  I think that the “Miracle Match” story had a lot of relevance to this course, as we appear to be focused on small, observational news bits, and some of the other stories required much more research and in-depth reporting.  This was a story that looked at simple, straightforward questions:  who, what, when, where, why and how. Read the rest of this entry »

After reading this week’s chapters in Journalism 2.0, I was reminded of a few interesting things.  I LOVE RSS feeds.  I do!  They make it so easy to just follow the news that interests you.  That’s what I like… sure, sometimes it’s fun to peruse the online Huffington Post, or Deadspin, just to see what’s happening, but most of the time, we don’t have time for mindless perusuing… we’re searching for something – something for class, or something for work… or just something.  So, feeds make it easy.  Just check into your reader and see what new things have been delivered – so handy!  Also, I loved the explanation of why we shouldn’t send large images to distribution groups.  I did that last week.  Whoops!  Never again!

I also enjoyed reading the overview on Blogging.  Having taken the blogging course with Professor Gill two terms ago, some of this is pretty familiar to me, although it’s always a good refresher.  I particularly enjoy the conversational aspect of blogs.  It really is an easy way to start a discussion on a topic of interest to many people, and to bring attention and scrutiny to topics that folks need to be aware of.  Generally speaking, there are a few really great blogs that I look forward to seeing updated regularly (and — oddly enough — all the good ones are — updated regularly, that is).  One of them is by a friend of mine named Andrew Wicklund.  His blog is currently all about his travels.  He’s been on a world tour for the past six months… he blog includes narrative, photography and art.  Lots and lots of art… it’s a terrific way to feel like we’re along for the ride.